Name; "Lucky Charm" Luca Orc-Slayer / Age; 22 / Height; 5'6" (168cm) Lineage; Human / Alignment; Chaotic Good Class; Fighter (Battle Master) / Background; Gambler Weapon; A silvered, enchanted longsword given to Luca by their mother, who had it created after saving tavern earnings for several years. A luck blade, capable of casting the Wish spell a single time. Called "Bright Tear".

Luca, having grown up in Daggerford, living in the Lady Luck Tavern with their mother Glenys, has always been taken by the glamor of adventure and chance; wanderers from all over would tell the child stories of their exploits, all while praying for Tymora to bless their cards or dice to make more of their meager earnings. Luca swore that they would one day become a world renowned adventurer, and come back to share their stories with the people of Daggerford like they had done. To this end, Glenys had a weapon forged and enchanted, presenting it to Luca on their 18th birthday. Now, the young gambler travels the land, searching for new games to play, stories to tell, and gold to earn, secretly hoping to one day pay their mother back the sword's cost. When asked why Luca doesn't just use the blade's wish, all they ever say is, "What if I really need it some day?" or "I think it brings me luck!"

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